Le vent se lève 1959


Jurgens is a sea captain in financial trouble. He plots to destroy his ship and collect insurance money by loading it with a time bomb and then sailing it into an active mine field. Watch ...

Tous les titres
  • FR: Le vent se lève Le vent se lève
  • BR: Navegando para o Inferno Navegando para o Inferno
  • DK: Stormen bryder løs Stormen bryder løs
  • FI: Punainen syleily Punainen syleily
  • GR: Stin ormi tou pathous Stin ormi tou pathous
  • IT: Il vento si alza Il vento si alza
  • PT: Quando o Vento Sopra Quando o Vento Sopra
  • ES: Cuando el viento sopla Cuando el viento sopla
  • SE: Stormen bryter lös Stormen bryter lös
  • TR: Firtina Geliyor Firtina Geliyor
  • UA: Operation Time Bomb Operation Time Bomb
  • US: Time Bomb Time Bomb
  • FR: Der Sturm bricht los Der Sturm bricht los
Date de sortie 23 Apr 1961
Lien IMDb
